Logistics / Warehouse

We offer INTEGRATED LOGISTICS services, which respond to the needs of our customers who wish to outsource warehouse management. We can help both in terms of space, human resources and equipment, and in terms of know-how, skills, advanced information systems, obtaining an excellent service by optimizing its costs



Your goods are in a strongbox

The goal of the integrated logistics that we offer is to add value to your work, optimizing costs and times, as well as improving quality; our service is also managed with innovative systems that allow you to monitor the goods at any time.

 We offer services of:

  • Storage and deposit of goods on pallets or loose

Our storage operations follow ISO: 9001 2015 certified quality procedures. Our staff will take care of your goods by optimizing and integrating the storage and distribution processes in the best way possible.

Our automated palletizing system supports us in managing the grouping of items or different types of products on a pallet, safeguarding the goods and speeding up the operation.

We are also prepared for the management of goods that cannot be palletized, thanks to our many years of experience that make us very effective in optimizing their handling.


  • Picking, both for massive withdrawals and for single orders

The picking service involves a selection and withdrawal of items/materials/colis belonging to different load units which are grouped, processed and shipped. Everything is managed exclusively by our internal staff.


  • Packing of goods and barcode labeling

Barcode labeling allows for specific traceability of the goods, to ensure a high level of service to the end customer. The barcode provides information on the type of goods and their location in the warehouse, allowing us greater control as well as greater organizational efficiency.


  • Order processing with production of the delivery note or invoice with your logo

The preparation of the goods takes place following your orders, with the possibility of issuing the documentation suitable for transport (Transport Document / Invoice) with our or your logo. Through a process of electronic data exchange (EDI), it is even possible an automated order management.


  • Distribution and express transport services

The distribution of goods to your customers takes place using the most suitable channels for your needs and timing.


  • Use of the best technological radiofrequency tools

All the operations described above are managed through the use of innovative information and management systems, and of the latest generation radiofrequency tools.

One of our peculiarities, as certified customs operators, is to offer Customs Warehousing. This service gives the possibility to import goods from abroad while remaining in suspension of customs duties, until the extraction and subsequent sale of the mentioned goods.

The continuous demand for outsourcing has pushed us to expand our spaces and structures equipping them with the best security systems; with the anti-intrusion equipment of latest generation, and our surveillance system via CCTV active up to 24h a day, we have created the best synergies to be competitive in a market that more and more demands high quality.



Ottieni la tua quotazione gratuita

Hai bisogno di trasportare merci in modo affidabile e conveniente? Forniamo servizi di spedizione su misura per le tue esigenze. Compila il nostro modulo di richiesta e ottieni una quotazione gratuita. La nostra squadra esperta è pronta ad assisterti nell'organizzare il tuo prossimo trasporto internazionale. Scegli la sicurezza e l'efficienza con la nostra quotazione gratuita!

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